Attrition is a reduction in the number of employees through
retirement, resignation, reassignment, transfer or means other
than layoffs. The growing and prosperous Information Technology
(IT) industry provides multiple job opportunities for the software professionals.
Consequently, a large number of people switch from one organization to the other.
The National Association of Software and Service companies (NASSCOM, 2004),
predicts that about 1.1 million new jobs would be created in India by the year
2008. Thus it is evident that, a large number of vacancies would be created
because of the high rate of attrition as well as the new opportunities created
by the evolving job market. Thus maintaining the supply and demand of professionals
in equilibrium would become an important task for HR managers in
the near future. Thus it is important to recognize and analyze the primary factors
that cause attrition in manpower due to “job hopping”. By a critical analysis
of these factors, the Human Resource Management (HRM) could
then amend the existing policies and procedures to ensure the supply and demand
equilibrium in the future. Not many studies were undertaken in the past in order
to assess and acknowledge the exactitude of the reasons for attrition in the
manpower in the IT industry.
Often it is necessary to consider other variables as well, in order to account
for factors other than those related to familiarity or the length of service.
(Biswas and Adhikari, 1992) studied the manpower attrition, which considers
both quantitative and qualitative variables. Such a combination is likely to
give a realistic prediction of the manpower attrition.
- To identify new approaches to manage the attrition rate in the company.
- To recommend changes in recruitment policy according to changing employment
patterns in the industry.
- To improve the approach of the company towards the employees.
- To explore the link between attrition and expectations of the employees.
Number of Pages of Project Report: 63
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
1. Concept Formation
2. Research Methodology
3. Objective of the Study
4. Introduction of the IT Industry
5. Introduction of Infosys
6. Infosys HR at a glance
7. A Close Look at the Attrition
8. Trends in Attrition
9. Attrition at Infosys
10. Tackling Attrition Head-on
11. HR Initiatives
12. Scope of the study
13. Limitations of the Study
13. Findings/ Conclusion
14. Recommendations/ Suggestions
15. Bibliography/ References