From the early 1980s onwards, there has been a shift in India’s economic policy
regime, from government control over the allocation of resources, towards a
greater role for the markets. One major aspect of these reforms has been the
development of financial markets for determining the allocation of capital in
the economy. Several reforms have been announced to promote the capital market
and protect investor interests. Reforms in the secondary market have focused
on three main areas- Structure and functioning of stock exchanges, automation
of trading and post trade systems, and the introduction of surveillance and
monitoring systems. In this view, this thesis aims to explore the extent of
the development in Indian Capital Markets, the extent of efficiency
achieved in allocating the resources and the future course of action to fill
in the gaps whenever necessary. Capital market consists of corporate equity
and long-term debt securities (those maturing in more than one year). A strong
and smoothly functioning capital market ensures the smooth functioning of the
flow of funds mechanism from the savers to the investors, and the maximization
of growth of the economy. The Indian capital market faces many challenges in
promoting efficient allocation and mobilization of capital in the economy. Market
infrastructure has to be improved as it hinders the efficient flow of information
and effective corporate governance. Market information is a crucial public good
that needs to be disclosed or made available to all participants to achieve
market efficiency.
There is a need to implement these reform measures as soon as possible. Indian
economy is going through a healthy phase of “feel good factor”, with
8% growth in the last quarter and foreign exchange reserves at a comfortable
level of $108 billion. The growth in the real sector is complementary with the
growth in the financial sector and it is essential to ensure that financial
markets of the economy are functioning in the best possible manner. The time
has come for the Indian economy to embark upon a major program
for financial sector development, which will boost the growth in the real sector
and help in achieving the targets such as poverty alleviation, employment creation
and high standards of living. This will be achieved by making the most efficient
use of finance through a well developed financial system.
Number of Pages of Project Report: 56
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.1.1 Financial markets
1.2 Importance of capital markets
1.3 Evolution of Capital Markets
1.3.1 New Developments
1.3.2 Challenges
1.4 Reforms in the Capital Markets
2 Bonds Market
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Issuers in the bond market
2.2 Need for the development of Bond Markets
2.3 Developments in the bond markets
2.3.1 Development of the Government Securities market
2.3.2 Development of the Corporate Bond market
3 Stock Markets
3.1 Trading Pattern in the Indian Stock Market
3.2 Evolution of the Indian Stock Markets
3.3 Problems of Indian Stock Markets
3.4 Changes in Stock Exchange
3.4.1 Consequences of reforms
3.4.2 Major changes
4 Conclusion - The Future Policy Agenda
4.1 Future Policy - Bond Markets
4.2 Future Policy - Stock Markets
4.3 Conclusion