Introduction: This project aims at studying the
existing inventory management system and transforming it to an efficient one
by effectively implementing available tools and techniques. The project has
been covered under the following sub headings:
- Indenting System,
- Product and Spare part based inventory management i.e. ABC analysis,
- Lead time calculation : a) Plant to Central WareHouse,
b) Plant to Branch and
c) Central WareHouse to Branch
- Layout Planning
- Infrastructure requirement basis,
- Beneficial analysis,
- Forecasting Model for generation of defective compressors,
- Evaluation of Data Management system as a part of evaluation of indenting
The objectives of the study are:
- To Plan, Organize and Control Operations by Making Use of Systems, Models and
- To Generate an Effective Inventory Management System.
Number of Pages of Project Report: 64
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
1. Objectives
2. Scope of the Project
3. Introduction
4. Spare Parts Procurement by Central Warehouse
5. Types Of Compressor Used
6. Origin of Spare Parts and Their Movement
- For Volumeless Items (Diagram)
- Voltas and Allwyn Spare Parts (Diagram)
- Norms and Procedures (Diagram)
- Matsushita Compressors (Diagram)
- Voltas Compressors (Diagram)
- ALLWYN Compressors (Diagram)
7. Norms/Procedures Guidelines for Dispatch
8. Indenting System
- Overview of Existing Indenting and Supply System
-- EVL (Diagram)
-- EKL AND INTRON (Inclusive: Diagram & Theory)
-- Detailed View of The Prevailing Indenting System (Diagram)
- Observations: (Existing Indenting System)
9. Evaluation
- Evaluation of Data Management System
-- Shortcomings of Wise Package
-- Recommendations
-- Proposed Model for Data Management System (Diagram)
-- Old Sales (Diagram)
- Lead Time Management
-- Existing Lead Time as Perceived by The Company
-- Observations:
--- Branch to Central Warehouse
--- Central Warehouse to Plant
--- Plant to Central Warehouse
--- Plant to Branches
--- Average Time Consumed in Present System
-- Min. Lead Time Calculation: (12 Days)
-- Max. Lead Time Calculation: (22 Days)
-- Evaluation
- Cost Benefit Analysis
-- Need of Central Warehouse for EKL and Intron Spare Parts?
-- Example
-- Recommendations
10. Managing the Supply Chain
- The Market –Facing Organization
- The Problems with Conventional Organizations
- Inventory Builds Up At Functional Boundaries
- Pipeline Costs Are Not Transparent
11. Process Management
- Developing the Logistics Organization
- Customer Order Management (Diagram)
- Order Fulfillment Groups
- Logistics as the Vehicle for Change
- Logistics Co-Ordination of Electrolux
- The Need for Integration
- Summarizes the Differences between the Conventional Approach to Supplies Relations
and The Co-Makership Concept (Figure)
12. Supplier Development
- Concerning Managerial Behaviour Leading-Edge Firms
- From Functions to Processes
- From Profit to Profitability
- From Transactions to Relationships
- From Inventory to Information
- Skills Profile for the Logistics Manager
- Inventory Management and Logistics Process Vision (Figure)