Assembly line balancing has been a focus of interest in Industrial Engineering for the last few years. Assembly line balancing is the problem of assigning tasks to workstations by optimizing a performance measure while satisfying precedence relations between tasks and cycle time restrictions. The process of Line balancing attempts to equalize the work load on each workstation of the production line. This study deals with mixed-model assembly line balancing and uses the study of different line layouts to reduce the waste & increase the productivity. The aim of this research work is to implement industrial engineering tools in order to improve the productivity on the company production lines. Productivity is defined as the amount of output per unit of input (labor, equipment, capital) & it is closely connected to the use and availability of the resources. The research work involves extensive study of processes and layout for the Assembly area, for different model with emphasis on time & motion study. Line balancing is commonly technique to solve problems occurred in assembly line. Line balancing is a technique to minimize imbalance between workers and workloads in order to achieve required run rate [H.Jay and R.Barry, 2006]. This can be done by equalizing the amount of work in each station and assign the smallest number of workers in the particular workstation. Here the job is divided into small portion called “job element” .
Two objectives are expected in the end of the project:
1. To improve productivity and efficiency of existing layout and new layout
2. To meet unpredictable demand
Number of Pages of Project Report: 72
Package Includes: Synopsis/Project Proposal + Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Value Stream Mapping (Vsm)
1.2 Main Contributors To Waste In Value Stream
1.3 Different Types Of Layouts
Chapter 2: Theoretical Backgroud
2.1 The Advantages Of Manual Assembly Line
2.2 Types Of Assembly Line
2.3 Workstation
2.4 Material Handling System
2.5 Line Balancing
Production Line Balancing
Chapter 3: Company Profile
Chapter 4: Literature Review
Chapter 5: Research Methodology
5.1 Project Motivation
5.2 Problem Statements
5.3 Project Objectives
5.4 Project Scopes
Sample Size
Chapter 6: Data Analysis
Equipment Balancing
Equipment Failure
Appenidx: Questionnaire