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A Report on Convergence of Technology and Media

Rs. 2,000.00

The project report will focus mainly on how there has been convergence of technology and how media has reacted to this convergence, how different platform is being synergized. Technological convergence is the tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks. Convergence can refer to previously separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications), and video that now share resources and interact with each other synergistically.

For the purpose of data collection semi-structured questionnaire was used. The findings show that Media Convergence is the result of fastest developed technology and internet. It saves time and resources. It provides competitive advantages to the business. 

A change is taking place in the consumption of media technologies. Consumption convergence makes a move away from the traditional mode of media consumption. What was once a solitary and singular activity, e.g., early radio listening, has changed into a shared, collective experience not just of media content reception but also in the form of media texts received. What makes consumption convergence unique is that the user is paying attention and is alert to competing media at the one time. With the convergence of media technologies, early research in the field suggests that the use and consumption of media technologies, both old and new, is being irrevocably transformed.

The term convergence has often been used over the last decade to describe the processes through which technologies, such as computers, telephony, and broadcasting have come together to spark the so-called ‘communication revolution’. It brings things together in a common format or in the same space. In common parlance, it means the coalescence and melting of traditionally separated communications. It denotes a general phenomenon- the ongoing effects of digital technology in media and communications. The features of convergence are that it is driven by technology, is a powerful force for change, and is global, prospective and unpredictable .

There is a strong sense of proliferating links within the communications sector, telecommunication companies, print media organizations, internet service providers, and information publishers and suppliers, among many other parts are part of this sector.

The traditional boundaries that circumscribed the roles of traditional stakeholders in the news media no longer exist. This revolution has been greatly hyperbolized by a number of influential commentators in industry, government and academia.

Convergence has been most manifest in the digital communications environment with the merging of the computer, television, and telecommunications industries. Those vying for a slice of the market include telephone, cable television, entertainment, broadcasting, and newspaper companies, as well as satellite, software and computer companies. One of the fundamental drivers of this convergence is reader’s demand for access to content anytime, anywhere.

Objective of the Project:
1. To understand how media convergence has evolved over the years
2. To know benefits of Media Convergence
3. To find the impact of technology on Media Convergence
4. To predict the future developments in Media Convergence
5. To know the views of media employees on Media Convergence
6. To see the impact of Media Convergence on Journalism

Number of Pages of Project Report: 103
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)

Table of Contents of Project Report:
Executive Summary   

Chapter 1: Introduction and Research Methodology                                 
1.1 General Introduction of the Project                                                 
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Scope of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Research Methodology
1.5.1   Formation of Problem or Statement of the Problem
1.5.2   Hypothesis
1.5.3   Collection of Data
1.5.4   Research Instrument
1.5.5   Making Sampling Plan
1.5.6   Research Limitations

Chapter 2: Review of Literature                                                                  
Chapter 3: Industry Profile                                                                          
Chapter 4: Company Profile                                                             
Chapter 5: Product Profile                                                                                        
Chapter 6 A: Data Analysis and Interpretation                                                      
Chapter 6 B: Findings                                                                                   
Chapter 7 Conclusions                                                                                  
Chapter 8: Recommendations                                                                                                          
Chapter 9: Future Research                                                            
Chapter 10: Annexure                                                                                  
Chapter 11:  Bibliography           

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