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Tourism Marketing in India

Rs. 500.00

Introduction: Tourism is a human activity of great significance. It involves a temporary break from normal routine to engage with experiences that contrasts with everyday life, with the mundane. Over the years, the definition of tourism has undergone a change along with the historical changes. According to Himziker and Krapf tourism is “the sum of the phenomena and relationships arising from the travel and stay of non–residents, in so far as it does not lead to permanent residence and is not connected to any earning activity”.
With the increasing growth of tourism and its associated opportunities, the concept of marketing tourism in India assumes a lot of significance.

Number of Pages of Project Report: 47
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)

Table of Contents of Project Report:
1. Acknowledgement
2. Declaration
3. Introduction
4. The Indian Scenario
5. Limitations of Study
6. Research Methodology
7. Role of Governments
8. Sub-Sectors of Tourism
9. Analysis and Interpretation
- India Estimates and Forecasts
- Indian Travel & Tourism Total Demand
- Indian Market Share of South Asia Total Demand
- South Asia Travel & Tourism Total Demand
- Indian Market Share of World Total Demand
- World Travel & Tourism Total Demand
10. Hospitality
11. Ways to Market Tourism
12. Conclusion
13. Bibliography

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