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E-Marketing: Emerging Trends In International Marketing &Their Implications on Maltcompany.Com

Rs. 1,000.00  Rs. 500.00
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E-Marketing is different from Traditional International Marketing. As the world is gradually becoming a global village, distances specially regarding mode of communication is at its all time minimum.
In general companies go for exploring International marketing because of the push and the pull factors. The profit advantage, Government policies, Domestic market recession, Competition etc. are all-important factors which provoke a company to enter into foreign market.
Earlier, International Marketing happens to be a very tedious and arduous job when Internet was not discovered. Lack of resources, and high cost had discouraged many to foray into the foreign market.
Now, with the emergence of Internet, International Marketing now is altogether a different ball game. One can market the product and company from their office only but the task still remains arduous. Yes, cost reduces a lot, which could be an encouraging factor to any company.
Companies now can positioned and promote themselves on Internet. Companies can promote themselves through various mode such as strategic alliance, link exchanges, banner exchange program, sponsorship, offline methods, Online media etc. but keywords remains the important factor because it is only the keyword typed by the surfer which will bring the site out from the search engines and directories. Therefore, it is very much important to choose smart and relevant keywords and keyword phases.
E-mark, therefore, is definitely a hard nut to crack but in this highly competitive world, it is going to play a very important role and is an important tool for companies to stand still and tough enough to face the global challenges.

Number of Pages of Project Report:50
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)

Table of Contents of Project Report:
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Company Profile: Malt Company Ltd.
4. Aim of the Study and Research Methodology
5. Why go International?
- Pull Factors
- Push Factors
- Profit Advantages
- Growth Opportunities
- Domestic Market Constraint
- Competition
- Government Policies and Regulations
- Monopoly Power
6. Why The Malt Company (India) Limited Going International
7. E-marketing
8. Web Positioning
- Key words
- Meta Tags
- Web page Titles
- Link Popularity
- Cloaking
9. Listing Site with Directories and Search Engines
- True Search Engines
- Directories
- Submit your site to Yahoo!
- Submit your site to other Directories
- Submit your site to AltaVista
- Submit your site to other Search Engines
10. Why E-Marketing?
11. Web Promotion
- Strategic Alliances / Partnership
- Sponsorship
- Online media
- Offline methods
- Message boards
- Link exchange
- Banner exchange
- Public relations to promote the site
- Promote your URL on all communications
- Additional promotion ideas
12. Problems with
13. Conclusion
14. Suggestions
15. Bibliography

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