Insurance is an attractive option for investment. Which most people recognize the risk hedging and tax saving potential of insurance, many are not aware of its advantages as an investment option as well. Insurance products yield more compared to regular investment options and this is besides the added incentive offered to insurer.
This project as a part of training has been prepared on the topic customer satisfaction in ULIP’s launched by SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. The report highlights all the aspects of a ULIP customer. It begins from the history of insurance and covers the growth of life insurance business in India. Then it throws light upon the pivot of the current life insurance industry, i.e. ULIP. ULIPs can be said as the summation of insurance policy and mutual funds. Hence they not only provide the risk cover but are also providing the capital market gains to the insured.
The project also provides the details of the various ULIPs provided by SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. Finally, a survey was conducted which showed that the customers are not completely aware of all the features of a Unit Linked Plan of SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. In fact they hardly know about the different types of fees charged by SBI Life Insurance Company. Moreover there is a large no. of persons who have not heard about ULIP.
Objectives of the Study:
• To study the nature and importance of ULIP, with particular reference to SBI life insurance ltd.
• To study if the investors are satisfied with the outcome of their investment in ULIPs of SBI.
• To study whether they are satisfied with the service of the company.
• To measure the levels of satisfaction and suggest measures to improve the levels of satisfaction.
Number of Pages of Project Report: 71
Package Includes: Synopsis/Project Proposal + Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Why Insurance Is Necessary?
1.2 Need Of Insurance
1.3 Life Insurance Companies In India
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Life Insurance Market In India
2.2 Evolution Of The Industry
2.3 Current Business Environment
2.4 Market Driven Factors
2.5 Role Of Life Insurance
2.6 Advantages Of Life Insurance
2.7 What Is Ulip?
2.8 Working Of Ulips
2.9 Growth Of Life Insurance Business In India
2.10 Growth Of Premium Income In Indian Life Insurance Industry
2.11 Ulips Business In India
Chapter 3: Company Profile
3.1 Swot Analysis Of Sbi Life Insurance
Chapter 4: Objectives And Methodology
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Method Of Research
4.3 Questionnaire
4.4. Collection Of Data
4.5 Tools For Analysis
Chapter 5: Findings And Analysis
Hypothesis Test
Chapter 6: Recommendations, Conclusion And Summary