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Building and Measuring Hotel Brand Awareness: Holiday Inn-Cochin

Rs. 2,000.00

The brand awareness and image of a business are vital to its success. As consumers, we don't really think about the importance of branding. We just seem to go with the flow of brand names that have become synonymous with our daily living. But the impact of a name reinforces the importance of branding when we promote our business. Think about one of the world's most popular athletic shoe companies, Nike. The importance of branding is exemplified by the fact that when we hear Nike, we think athletics and "Just Do It." A great brand name and association has catapulted Nike to the top of its industry. Along with above illustration, we could say that, to large extent, the establishment of brand contributes a lot to a positive prospect of company, especially the service business, like Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn being one of the most valuable brands in the service field, its brand reputation is at globally recognizable level to large extent. Although the absence of physical business for Holiday Inn in many areas, still many people heard of its name. In other words, the absence of Holiday Inn’ business in certain area does not mean the inexistence of the brand in the focal area. Brand name and what a brand stands for are the core values for most holiday hotel. If properly managed, it will increase the competitive advantage of the holiday hotel. The basic attribute of a holiday hotel are also important for a holiday hotel to excel  because the strength of a brand commonly provide the fundamental steps for differentiating between several competitors. Majority of the holiday hotels have distinguishable brand identifiers, for example Trident golden arches is easily recognized by customers.
The study has been conducted with the following objectives in mind:
- To judge the awareness level of the prospect customer.
- To know how they are aware regarding the product.
- To judge in which way they have developed the awareness.
- To judge which promotional tool is effective to increase the awareness level among the people.
- To see whether brand awareness influences the buying behaviour or not.
- What factors and variables of brand influence them to purchase.
- To know how to maintain and improve brand awareness and to build brand loyalty.

Number of Pages of Project Report: 64
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)

Table of Contents of Project Report:
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Brand Awareness
1.2 Brand Image
1.3 Types of Brand Associations
1.4 Favorability of Brand Associations
1.5 Strength of Brand Associations
1.6 Uniqueness of Brand Associations
1.6 Limitations of Study
Chapter 2: Theoretical Background
2.1 Types of Brand Awareness
2.2 Channels of Brand Awareness
2.3 Challenges
2.4 Brand Equity in Service Industry
2.5 Factors Affecting Brand Awareness
2.6 Consumer Perception And Behaviour
2.6 Consumers Buying Behaviour
Chapter 3: Literature Review
3.1 Brand Awareness
3.2 Brand Image
3.3 Perceived Quality
3.4 Brand Loyalty
Chapter 4: Research Methodology
4.1 Need For The Study
4.2 Statement of The Problem
4.3 Objectives of The Study
4.4 Methodology of The Study
Secondory Data
Sample Size
Sampling Techinique
Data Collection Process
Chapter 5: Data Analysis
Appendix: Questionnaire

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