Due to the rapid changes in the global market and the increased competition experienced between firms, “Brand Management” has become more important. Good brand management brings about clear differentiation between products, ensures consumer loyalty and preferences and may lead to a greater market share.
Aaker (1991) is of the view that establishing and managing brand should not be taken to be the core operating target for most industries but should also be seen as a source of competitiveness. In other words, value is added to a brand when the brand is able to compete successfully with other brands.
Many researchers (Aaker 1991&1996, Keller 1993, Lasser 1995, Yoo & Donthun 2001, Prasad & Dev. 2000 etc) have been interested in the concept and measurement of brand equity because of the necessity in today’s marketplace to develop, maintain and use product branding to acquire a certain level of competitive advantage. According to Ailawadi et al., (2003, p. 1), this has led to various points of view on brand equity dimensions, the factors that effect it, the perspective from which it should be studied as well as how to measure it.
Brands are highly regarded as an important source of capital for most business. The term brand has different meaning attached to it; a brand can be defined as a name, logo, symbol and identity or a trademark. Prasad and Dev. (2000) also states that a brand can be seen to include all tangible and intangible attributes that a business stands for. Despite the fact that lots of global and local brands of different products have been used to measure brand equity, survey on brand equity in the service industry have not been fully explored. Prasad and Dev. (2000) presented a study that shows that the easiest method for hotels to recognize and distinguish themselves in the mind of their customers is through branding. Low and Lamb Jr (2000) also stated that in service market, the main brand is the firm’s brand while in packaged goods market, the main brand is seen to be the product brand.
A powerful brand will enhance a customer’s attitude strength of the product association of a brand. Attitude strength is developed by experience with the product. According to Keller (1993), customer awareness and association influences inferred attributes, perceived quality and finally result to brand loyalty. He went further to say that the advantage of this dimensionality of customer-based brand equity is that it allows marketing managers to study how their marketing programs enhance their brand values in the minds of customers.
Brand name and what a brand stands for are the core values for most holiday hotel. If properly managed, it will increase the competitive advantage of the holiday hotel. The basic attribute of a holiday hotel are also important for a holiday hotel to excel because the strength of a brand commonly provide the fundamental steps for differentiating between several competitors. Majority of the holiday hotels have distinguishable brand identifiers, for example Trident golden arches is easily recognized by customers.
Number of Pages of Project Report: 68
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Theoritical Framework
2.1 Consumer Perception And Behaviour
2.1.1 Consumer Behaviour
2.1.2 Consumers Buying Behaviour
2.1.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Perceptions Of A Brand
2.2 Brand
2.2.1 Benefit Of A Strong Brand
2.2.2 Brand Equity
2.2.3 Conceptualization Of Consumer Based- Brand Equity
2.2.4 Brand Equity In Service Industry
Chapter 3: Literature Review
3.1 Brand Awareness
3.2 Achieving Brand Awareness
3.3 Brand Image
3.4 Perceived Quality
3.5 Brand Loyalty
Chapter 4: Research Methodology
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Research Approach
4.3 Data Collection
4.4 Data Sources
4.5 Reliability And Validity
4.5 Questionnaire Constructs
4.6 Sampling Procedure
4.7 Limitation Of Study
Chapter 5: Data Analysis