India is emerging as a global power in Information Technology (IT) as one of the largest generators and exporters of software in the world. The Indian Information Technology (IT) industry revenue in the software sector have grown more than ten fold from US$ 50 million in 1988-89 to US$ 5.7 billion in 2000-2002. as a result, India has been acknowledged the world over as an important base for the growth and development of the IT industry.
In order to give a concerted and focused approach to developing this sector further, the govt. of India has set up a new ministry of Information technology (MIT) on 15th October 2000 to be the nodal institutional mechanism for facilitating all the initiative in the central govt., the state govt., academia and the private sector for all-round growth of IT. The ministry seeks to play the role of a pro-active facilitator, motivator and promoter and launch initiative to ensure the spread of IT to the masses for enabling speedy IT-led development.
Accordingly, the ministry has targeted implementation of a comprehensive action plan to make India an IT superpower by the end of this decade and achieve a target of $ 50 billion in software export by 2008. This would require focused initiative to accelerate the Internet revolution in India, emphasizing the creation of useful contents of Indian languages, IT-enabled services, IT education, electronics and computer hardware manufacturing and exports, silicon facility, E-commerce and Internet based E-Business.
The objective and scope of the present research is to study what actually software export is, what are the factors determining the software exports, the impact of current economic slowdown in US, growing competition among software exporting firms and nations, motivation behind software exports and government initiatives towards the growth and promotion of software exports from India and to make a study of total Indian software Industries in general.
Number of Pages of Project Report:71
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
1. Executive Summary
2. Objective
3. Research Methodology
4. Introduction To Information Technology
5. IT Vision
6. Quality
7. Government Incentives
8. IT Industry in India
9. Domestic IT Market
10. Software Industry in Developing Countries
11. Indian Software and Service Industry
12. Domestic IT Software and Service Marketing
13. Software and Service Export
14. Software Export Destination in USA
15. Export Incentives
16. Conclusion
17. Recommendation
18. Bibliography