In today’s scenario HR department job is not restricted to hiring and firing it has undergone an immense growth, in today's competitive world it is the job of the HR department to recruit the right and appropriate individual for a particular position and then develop him further in order to utilize his skills/capabilities in an efficient manner.
Competencies are underlying characteristics of people and indicate “ways of behaving or thinking, generalizing across situations and enduring for a reasonably long period of time.” Through this the required traits are identified for each position.
In this project study, based on conceptual understanding and information collected, it is obvious that the role of HR is changing from that of transactional to transformational. Now, it is more dynamic, companies looking in the future are applying new techniques such as “Competency Mapping” which will give them desired results in the future.
Developing an employee career is an important job of the organization. Career Planning is taking initiative as an organization in order to develop and improve it’s employees knowledge and skills towards a better direction. Competency Mapping exercise helps in identifying the traits present in an employee and the degree of presence of these traits, this will further assist in planning the career of the incumbent because appropriate career can only be decided after identifying the qualities present in the individual which can further benefit the individual as well as the organization.
So in order to understand the complications and why all of a sudden different organizations have started implementing competency based programmes I have taken up the study of competency mapping and its long-term implications for the organization.
Competency Mapping, an invaluable people resource, is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization and/or a job and incorporating those competencies through the various processes (i.e. job evaluation, training, recruitment) of the organization.
Competency based management practices ensure consistency in action and establishes a common language for describing the competencies and attributes required for success in today’s competitive market place and through which organization can communicate, develop and measure their employees performance while reinforcing and supporting the critical elements of the company’s endorsed strategies and objectives.
It cannot be denied that competencies are a useful fool for the personnel practitioner particularly when used as a strategic tool to integrate HR processes. The traditional approach to HR, based only on job specification, makes it difficult for companies to respond to economy, industry and customer dynamics in a fast changing world.
Competencies offer a way of binding together and integrating the elements of a progressive human resource strategy. If competencies are defined, as they should be, with reference to the needs of the business, then a competency based appraisal system can help to reinforce particular approaches to work (for example continuous improvement or customer focus).
Delivered in this way, competencies can be powerful tool when trying to change the culture of an organization’s he overall effect is to oblige everyone I the organization, to focus on their performance in specific, common areas, to develop their skills accordingly and ultimately to improve the performance of the organization.
Number of Pages of Project Report:151
Package Includes: Synopsis/Project Proposal + Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
- Executive Summary
List Of Tables
List Of Figures
Chapter-1 Introduction
Research Methodology
Chapter –2 Theoretical Framework
Origin And Meaning Of Competencies
- Behaviorist And Constructive View
- Us Approach And Uk Approach
- 12 Management Dimensions
- Competency Mapping Methodology
- Process Of Identification And Assessment
Chapter –3 Models, Tools, Techniques Used
- Competency Models
- Tools And Techniques
- Psychological Tests
- Behavioral Event Interviews (BEI)
- Job Competence Assessment Method
- Role Profiling
- Thomas Profile
- Position Information Questionnaire
- Reper By Grid Or Construction Matrix
- Role Grid
- Process
Chapter- 4 Company Profile
Chapter – 5 Analysis And Discussion