The Indian textile and d clothing industry occupies a unique
place in the Indian economy. It contributes about 4% of GDP
and 14% of industrial output. As the second largest employer after agriculture,
the industry provides direct employment to 35 million people including substantial
segments of weaker sections of the society. In spite of having the strength
of being the largest cotton base and the abundance of the availability of low
cost labor, the export performance of the industry is far from being competitive.
The competitiveness constraints are directly related to poor per capita productivity
resulting in inefficient performance.
The aim of the research was to assess the implementation of Performance
Appraisal System in the Indian Apparel Export Industry and its overall
impact on the productivity and performance. The study of the contemporary literature
reveals that the Indian Apparel Export Industry is highly fragmented and falls
under the characteristics of SMEs where performance appraisal as a process is
not recognized as an effective tool for gaining better performance and productivity.
Rather the literature discussed more about the technology adoption and knowledge
management as the effective tool to gain competitiveness and productivity.
The results from the document based research, though recognized that poor Performance
management system is partly responsible for the dismal performance,
the main reasons for poor performance are Poor Supply Chain, poor cost structure,
smallness, poor infrastructure and the unorganized nature of the industry. The
study followed a case study approach. The findings suggested that there is virtual
inexistence of a defined and structured Performance Appraisal System. Though
the Performance Measurement System exists in pen and paper, its implementation
has been very poor. The need for the Performance appraisal is very often over
powered by more external issues related to the wage structure, piece rate wage
system, overtime and policy concerns and the more important internal issues
related to the quality concerns. Poor Performance Appraisal leads to employees’
dissatisfaction and poor productivity, which further results in high employee
turnover. Hence, the study recommends certain project management techniques
to be applied to the production situation in the Indian Apparel Export Firms,
which will help the firms to enhance the per capita productivity, and over all
Number of Pages of Project Report: 97
Package Includes: Project Report
Project Format: Document (.doc)
Table of Contents of Project Report:
- Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Performance Appraisal
1.2 Indian Textile Industry
1.3 Objectives & Rationale
1.4 Hypothesis
Chapter 2: Survey of Related Literature
2.1 Introduction of HRM
2.1.1 HRD System Model
2.1.2 HRD as a System
2.1.3 Manpower Planning
2.1.4 Functions of HRM
2.2 Performance Appraisal
2.2.1 Objectives
2.2.2 Establishing Job Expectations
2.2.3 Designing an Appraisal Programme
2.2.4 Methods of Appraisal
2.2.5 Performance Interview
2.2.6 Performance Management & Development System (As a whole)
2.3 Performance Appraisal in the Indian Apparel Industry
2.3.1 Productivity & SME's
2.3.2 Key Characteristics of SME's
2.3.3 Entrepreneurship of SME's
2.3.4 Growth of SMEs- Business Life Cycle Model
2.3.5 Performance Appraisal & Productivity
Chapter 3: Research Design/ Methodology
3.1 Research Process
3.2 Research Philosophy
3.3 Research Approach
3.3.1 Exploratory, Descriptive, or Explanatory Research Approach
3.4 Research Strategy
3.4.1 Case Study
3.5 Data collection
3.5.1 Primary Data Collection
3.6 Sample
3.6.1 Limitation
3.6.2 Secondary Data Collection
3.7 Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Industry Based Findings & Analysis
4.1 Results from the Document Based Research
4.1.1 Management Practices and Organizational Skills
Chapter 5: Analysis & Interpretation of Data
5.1 External Factors
5.2 Internal Factors
5.3 Results Of The Interview Schedule With The Managers
5.3.1 Conclusion
Chapter 6: Conclusions & Recommendations