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Advertising Projects, Advertising Project Reports, MBA BBA Advertising Reports, Advertising and Sales Projects

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Conservation of environment through better utilization of water resources in Kenduguri area of Jorhat district, Assam

Conservation of environment through better utilization of water resources in Kenduguri area of Jorhat district, Assam

Introduction: Today’s society is placing high amounts of pressure on our environment – whether it be for transport, housing, food, entertainment,...
Rs. 2,000.00

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To study the effect of Employee Empowerment in Advertising

To study the effect of Employee Empowerment in Advertising

Introduction: Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to take some action with respect to...
Rs. 2,000.00

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Wireless Solutions for Advertising

Wireless Solutions for Advertising

Introduction: The increasing demand of mobile advertising is due to the growth of wireless network (Hairong and Ki-Young, 2006). Bluetooth (Hopkins...
Rs. 2,000.00

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A study on cognitive mapping and its usage in developing effective advertisement campaigns and analyzing its success rates

A study on cognitive mapping and its usage in developing effective advertisement campaigns and analyzing its success rates

Introduction: Cognitive mapping may be defined as a process composed of a series of psychological transformations by which an individual acquires,...
Rs. 2,500.00

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Advertising Management: Study on The Ethics and Principles in the Governance of the Indian Advertising Industry

Advertising Management: Study on The Ethics and Principles in the Governance of the Indian Advertising Industry

Introduction: Advertising has played a major role in consumer marketing , and has enabled companies to meet communication and other marketing...
Rs. 2,500.00

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Impact of Advertising in B2B Marketing

Impact of Advertising in B2B Marketing

Introduction: Advertising is any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization or its product to a target audience through a...
Rs. 2,500.00

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